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The Power of Letting Go

April 9, 2018

Photo here…

My first child graduated from high school and I entered a new stage of parenting. The graduation process was a true personal growth opportunity for me and I had to learn to “let go”, just a little bit more. Watching my child navigate through the graduation journey gave me greater insight into the meaning of “training a child.”

Like many parents, my mission is to rear responsible, independent, and socially conscious children. During the months, days, and minutes leading up to graduation, I wanted to step-in and “demand” that she does things my way. It was challenging for me to watch my child do things the “hard way” when I thought I know of an easier more efficient way to get things done.

I relied on my faith, while implementing effective parenting skills. It was during this time I found myself encouraging her to build problem solving skills; while I stood on the sidelines. In the process of standing on the sidelines cheering, I found myself “listening” more and trusting her judgment. Throughout this process, I found peace by staying in the “here and now” and keeping an open heart.

Many of you may have experienced a range of emotions during graduation season, just know that this is only a moment in time. Enjoy and learn from each moment.

  • Be Patient
  • Breathe
  • Don’t take the “I got it” personally
  • Embrace the new relationship you are building with your child
  • Just as you helped your child learn to walk, remain a steadying force in your child’s life
  • Listen, Love, and Laugh
  • Remember you once were your child’s age
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